Roman Šulák,
Your personal trainer
When you want to reach your full potential
To keep your body functioning well
Your back is absolutely essential: it holds the entire body and overall posture
My main aim is to make you feel good
Are you interested in a tailored workshop to meet the needs of your employees or co-workers?
From the very first moment, I observe in what mood you are in and then constantly adapt the workout accordingly – with me, you always have a fully individual approach and training.
First, let me hear your expectations
I'm going to use simple exercises to test your capabilities
I will gradually engage exercises to match your abilities and goals
You will have my full attention and feedback throughout your workout
After each exercise, we will evaluate the suitability, as well as effect of the training session together
Analysis of body composition – muscle mass, water, total and visceral fat – can help with setting a training plan or nutritional guidance.
You'll always have the best-equipped gym and me all to yourself.
Little things add up. That's why I emphasize the need of high quality training equipment and detailed diagnosis of your movement possibilities.
I constantly monitor the effects of exercises on your body and fine-tune them.
And the equipment? I've invested in the best there is – because if they're good for the pros, they'll be good for you.
I invest in my personal development and always try to learn from the best in the world – directly from the masters, not their apprentices. I am interested in constantly acquiring new knowledge of how the body works and how to make it perform better.
…facilities (towels, shower gel, deodorant…)
…high quality tea and coffee makes the whole workout experience even more enjoyable
…feel free to tell me what else you would desire
Pain is a hindrance to progress and is definitely not part of the training. With me, you'll get your body in shape and yet you'll be able to fully function and perform right after the training, as well as the next day.
Are you worried that once you walk out from the gym you will be completely exhausted and won't be able to deliver your peak work performance the next day? Well, you don't need to worry about that with me.
Training intensity is important, but you need to be able to function afterwards and ideally continue training the next few days. That's why I'm always interested in how you feel and if something hurts after the workout because it frankly should not.
Any pain in your knee, shoulder, back or elsewhere should never ever be a part of any training or workout process. On the contrary, it is an impediment to your workout progress.
RS Health and Performance
Heřmanova 1169/22
170 00 Praha 7
Strossmayerovo náměstí or Kamenická stop. The nearest metro C station is Vltavská.
There are paid zones in the area – I recommend using orange or purple ones. You can also park on the blue ones, but expect a slightly higher price and shorter time range. The larger parking lot (orange zone) is near the Technical Museum.
Let me know by e-mail
You can call me at +420 601 337 973
2023 © Roman Šulák, Fyzická osoba zapsaná v živnostenském rejstříku, sídlo: Heřmanova 1169/22, 170 00, Praha, IČ: 02057751
Design + web: Adam Hadraba